Our previous app & software development work

We work wonders with some wonderful brands and people.

Here’s where we showcase a good cross-section of software and web projects we’ve completed for a wide diversity of very happy clients across various sectors. In fact, they’re so happy, they’ve shared some kind words about their experiences of working with our team and the effect we’ve had on their businesses.

Our Case Studies provide details of specific projects, so you can clearly see the context and the results. We have completed projects for everything from auction platforms to psychometric tools, full e-commerce sites to subscription-based learning portals. Our Brand Experience is broad and deep. Our software solutions have benefited companies from a specialist 3D printing retailer to a TV broadcaster, charities to publishing houses.

We are recognised as a ClutchLeader 2020. So, we thought what better way than to use this professional resource to bring you honest Reviews. They cover everything from how we work to how we’re rated by companies and clients we’ve created software solutions for.

Companies we have developed software for:

Have an idea or project to discuss?

Fill out the short form on our Contact Us page, give us a call directly on +44 (0) 800 029 1425 or email us at enquiries@avamae.co.uk. We’ll guide you through our process, advise on the best possible solutions and steer you in the right direction.

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